Executive Shadow Program


The Region I Executive Shadow Program (ESP) is one of the new Region I initiatives. The purpose is to connect our members and promote professional growth via a unique networking opportunity. Region I members in good standing will have an opportunity to witness the business and programmatic aspects of running Region I activities by “shadowing” in a non-voting capacity at Advisory Committee (AC) meetings over the course of a year, normally January through December. Please email the Professional Development Committee for more information.

Regional Needs Served
Identifying and recruiting future leaders for Region I is among our top priorities. By providing Region I members with an informal exposure to the inner-workings of the region, ESP is intended to inspire Region I members to volunteer for key leadership positions.

Participant Benefits
Members who participate in ESP will gain invaluable exposure to key regional leaders in the profession, while witnessing volunteerism in action. For the participant, this can also serve as a track to possible future volunteer, leadership and other professional development or networking opportunities. The AC will also benefit from having a new perspective added to committee discussions.

A regional e-mail blast announcing the program will be sent out announcing the acceptance of applications. Interested members will be asked to complete and return an application form in the Fall of each year. The Professional Development Committee (PDC), along with the AC, will review and select two (2) Region I members to participate. Announcement of the selected individuals will be made at the December RADG meeting.

Assessment and Follow-up
During the period of participation, the Region I member selected will be assigned a mentor from the AC, who will act as a resource for questions on regional issues and meeting protocols. The same mentor will follow up with the selected participant to assess how the program is working and the value added as a professional development opportunity for the participant

Criteria for Candidate Selection
Interested Region I members will be selected based upon a combination of factors, including years in the profession, skill set, service to NCURA, and expression of interest in participating, as indicated on the application form.

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