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Wicked Good Chats: Recap of NCURA AM 66

Join Lana Metayer, Region 1 Treasurer, Director of Sponsored Projects at UVM, and first time national meeting attendee to talk about the annual meeting. Lana will talk about her experience attending the annual meeting for the first time and contrast it with her experiences at the regional meeting. We will also thank our region 1 speakers.

Participants who were not at the meeting will be welcome to ask questions about attending an annual meeting or content that was delivered there.

Fellow attendees are welcome and encouraged to share insights about what they learned at the meeting.

This session is for everyone! No matter how long you have been in the profession, this session will help you get a sense of what happened at the annual meeting in both content and personal experience.

Link here:

June 10

Wicked Good Chats - Data Sharing and DUAs

September 25

Wicked Good Chats: Implementing the Common Forms for Biosketch and Current & Pending