Upcoming Events
New Member Virtual Coffee Hour
The Region I Officers and Committee Chairs would like to invite you to a New Member Virtual Coffee Hour, on Monday, March 31, from 3-4pm EST.
We'll discuss the benefits of NCURA membership, outline the roles of the Region I Committees, bring you up-to-speed on upcoming educational offerings, and talk about opportunities to volunteer with us. There will also be time for us to answer any questions you may have about NCURA and Region I. We look forward to seeing you there.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android here!
Leadership in Art: MFA Tour
Leadership in Art: an MFA Tour
Positive leadership is a critical quality for leaders to contemplate. As we think about art, what are the qualities held up of great (and shoddy) leaders? How does that influence our view of leadership? This tour will look at 4 works of art from different time periods, subjects, and cultures to discuss depictions of leadership.
This is meant to be fun and interactive, you don’t have to have a background in art or hold a leadership position. This is a chance to build community so all region 1 members are welcome.
Robert Prentiss, Yale University, Sr. Financial Analyst & Region 1 Communications Chair
Amanda Humphrey, Northeastern University Chief Research Operations Officer & Region 1 PDC Chair
Date and Time: Friday 4 April 2025 at 5:30 PM
Meet at the Sharf Visitor Center.
The MFA is NOT leading the tour and will not know our route so please be on time.
Cost & Audience:
There is no NCURA fee to attend this event.
Individuals are responsible for their own entrance fee. Admission to the MFA is often included for many area institutions but let Amanda know if you need assistance with entry fee.
After the tour, participants are welcome to stay at the museum, it is open until 10 and it will be First Friday.
This event is open to all, but we are capping participation at 10.
If you need to cancel, please let us know so we know not to look for you at: a.humphrey@northeastern.edu
Link to Register: https://neu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ekXS3ImzhdZiZxA
2025 Spring Meeting Registration CLOSES!
Visit the 2025 Spring Meeting page for more details!
Deadline to Book Hotel for the 2025 Spring Meeting
Check out details on the 2025 Spring Meeting page!

2025 Spring Meeting
2025 Spring Meeting at the Hilton DoubleTree in Manchester, NH. Details to come!

2025 Spring Meeting - Workshops
Add on workshops on final day of the spring meeting (separate registration). Details to come!
Early Bird Registration for 2025 Spring Meeting Ends
Check out the 2025 Spring Meeting Page for details!
Wicked Good Chats
Title: SOPs in Research Administration: A Benefit, not a Burden
Description: In this session, Beth will provide a quick overview of SOPs, their value in Research Administration, and discuss various options for creating space to build and maintain them.
Registration: Space is limited; advance registration is required: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/-rhOqbVuQQi7bZmS6lEcpQ
Wicked Good Chats: IDC Change Discussion (NIH 15% Cap)
Region 1 is very excited to welcome Gil Tran to host our very first Wicked Good Chats for 2025. Gil has almost 27 years of experience in Research, is a Senior Specialist Leader in Grants Management at Attain Partners and previously served as a Senior Policy Analyst with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Federal Financial Management (OFFM). Gil has often served as a go-to field expert and is a sought-after presenter who has earned a reputation as a source of knowledge and engaging industry speaker.
The session will be held on February 28th, 10AM-11AM EST. Please register to ensure you are able to access the meeting. The discussion will be focused on NOT-OD-25-068 which proposes a cap on IDC from the NIH at 15%. Gil will provide an update as to where things stand and what institutions can do to prepare and respond as this continues to unfold. There will be time for questions and we look forward to seeing you there!
Link to Register: https://northeastern.zoom.us/meeting/register/TleqfHskSYeNOhxog6q_lg#/registration
Wicked Good Chats: Embracing Diversity & Inclusivity during the Holidays
When: December 17th from 12-1 PM EST
Title: Wicked Good Chats: Embracing Diversity & Inclusivity during the Holidays
The month of December is here and traditionally in the United States, that means a time for all to celebrate different holidays. The holidays can be a time for employees to gather with their co-workers and families. There tends to be a heavy focus around Christmas as the pivotal religious holiday and cultural event. In a society where about 70% of the population identifies as Christian, and where a large focus centers on Christmas, how can we recognize and honor other religious and secular holidays that coexist and create spaces, events, and policies that are sensitive to various identities, observances, and belief systems??
Please join the Region I DEI Committee Wicked Good Chat in a lively discussion to share a few ways we can reflect on this topic area, learn more about how we are striving to make everyone welcome in both our professional and personal lives and help us move toward a more inclusive holiday season.
Speakers: Rich Robles, VP & Chief Diversity Officer, Human Resources, Boston Children's Hospital, Geraldine Pierre, Senior Research Administrator, Boston Children's Hospital, Karen Griffin, Executive Director of Operations, University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Audience: everyone is welcome. This is a great WGC topic for all levels of experience.
Cost: free
Registration: https://northeastern.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqd-GvrjIuGdyBprNyTZ6okldfdtuLwTrT
NCURA Region I Volunteer Fair
Region I is hosting a volunteer fair for the region, where representatives from each committee will give a brief overview of what their work involves and will be available to answer any questions. If you’re thinking about getting more involved in 2025, this is a great opportunity to explore the different ways you can contribute. This event will be held virtually on December 13, 2024 at 11 AM
Register: https://northeastern.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEucuupqDkvHNYR5beOqc-EQDi3UPN0S3gY#/registration
Wicked Good Chats: Change Management
Date & Time: December 4th from 12-1
Title: Wicked Good Chats: Change Management
Sharon Ray, Associate Director, Research Administration Services, MIT
One thing about research administration is that we are all managing change all the time. Good change management skills are a critical part of any research administrator’s toolbox. This Wicked Good Chat is a great opportunity to learn more about how to execute change management successfully. Join Sharon Ray from MIT for this Wicked Good Chat about Change Management! Sharon will provide an overview of some key concepts in change management and lead a lively discussion about some of our collective successes and lessons learned.
Who should attend: All are welcome. This is a great opportunity to learn more about what change management is and how it impacts the role of the research administrator. All research administrators use change management principles in their work, but this session will provide an opportunity to think about ways to understand and level up your skills.
Link to Register: this is a virtual and free event, please sign up here: https://northeastern.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkcOyoqjsqGNGWqdZieLkWFI_W9zx4ukCg
November RADG & End of Year Gathering
November RADG & End of Year Gathering
RADG Topic: Build It or Buy It: Approaches to Centralizing and Utilizing Central Research Support
Date/Time: November 14, 2-4 PM EST
Location: Mass General Brigham Assembly Row
Accessible by the Orange Line (Assembly Station) and the parking garage is free for the first 3 hours, full parking information is available here
Cost: None
Audience: Everyone is welcome! This is an end of year gathering where we hope to have a chance to get to know and celebrate each other as colleagues as well as learn more information about how centralized research support units can support their institutions in a variety of ways.
Dave Waldron, Director of Pre-Award, Research Support Services & Training, MGB
Eric Jones, Director, HUB Services, Northeastern University
Nicole Magni, Associate Director, HUB Services, Northeastern University
Roseann Luongo, Senior Director, Huron
This session will go over department support and how centralized units at some institutions provide department level support to faculty. The session will consider pros and cons to this approach and issues of scale, structure, reporting lines and professional development. Issues of power dynamics and how reporting lines support compliance will also be addressed. Finally the session will consider when or if institutions should consider a centralized model and various practical solutions for implementation.
After the session, those interested in participating can join us to find a post session beverage or snack of their choice or just peel off and enjoy Assembly Row.
This event is limited with registration capped at 60 attendees. Registration will close on November 12th
Wicked Good Chats: Research Administration as a Profession: Past, Present and Future
Date / Time: 10/29 from 12-1 PM EST
Speaker: Kris A. Monahan, PhD, Director of Sponsored Projects and Research, Providence College
Title: Research Administration as a Profession: Past, Present and Future
Description: Come discuss the evolution of research administration as a profession in North America and how the profession has changed and is changing to meet the dynamic evolution of the research ecosystem.
Who should attend? Everyone is welcome! This is a great session for individuals at all levels and backgrounds. This session is about the field generally and not a specific area so everyone at any career stage will find this session informative.
Link to Register: this is a virtual and free event, please sign up here: https://northeastern.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvceugqDstEtOI0FZ4vPWpTVPidhDQ78UW
Fundamentals of Research Administration Workshop
The Essentials of Sponsored Research Administration workshop provides participants with a broad overview of sponsored projects administration. The workshop covers cost principles, budgets, coordination and review of proposals, negotiation and acceptance of awards, financial and administrative management, closeout and audit, and compliance issues.
WHERE: In-person at Northeastern University Burlington MA Campus, building 5 - 147 S Bedford Street, Burlington, MA 0180
WHEN: October 21st, 9AM - 5PM
COST: $300
REGISTER: https://www.ncura.edu/Education/MeetingsConferences/EventInfo.aspx?sessionaltcd=102124RADG
Pre and Post Award Workshop
This workshop will focus in some depth on pre and post award topics that drive proposal submissions.
PRE-AWARD: Proposal elements will be identified on the basis of common RFPs, with special attention to updated Current and Pending and Other Support regulations. A survey of sponsored systems will be offered with live demos of working with Fastlane, http://research.gov , Workspace, and ASSIST. The workshop will also focus on budgeting strategies, review of budget template/s, and crafting of budget justifications/narratives.
POST-AWARD: The topics that will be surveyed include reporting requirements, financial management, account structuring, cost principles and best practices in financial reconciliations. Additional topics for discussion are effort reporting and international activities disclosures. The workshop will also focus on strategies for financial projections and strategizing with regard to new proposal submissions to maintain healthy sponsored portfolios.
WHERE: In-person at Northeastern University Burlington MA Campus, building 5 - 147 S Bedford Street, Burlington, MA 01803
WHEN: October 21st, 9AM - 5PM
COST: $300
REGISTER: https://www.ncura.edu/Education/MeetingsConferences/EventInfo.aspx?sessionaltcd=102124PREPOSTREGI
CRA Review Session
The Research Administrators Certification Council will host a virtual Body of Knowledge Review session for the upcoming CRA Exam. This eight-hour class will be divided into two sessions, taking place on Thursday and Friday, October 17–18, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CST. You can sign up HERE.
Body of Knowledge Review Sessions
- The purpose of the Body of Knowledge Review Sessions is to familiarize you with the outline of information upon which the certifications offered by the Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC) are based. Each Body of Knowledge Session (CRA®, CPRA®, and CFRA) is designed to assist you to identify areas of strengths and weakness so that you can learn where to focus your studies as you prepare to the exam.
- Sample questions are provided throughout each session. The goal of the sample questions is to give you an idea of the question format. However, it is important to note the sample questions are not questions on the actual exam. Rather, they are a combination of retired questions and questions that were not previously used on the exam.
- As you prepare for the exam, we encourage you to form study groups, read literature associated with the Body of Knowledge, and concentrate on the areas that the review session uncovered to be your weakest.
CRA Review Session
The Research Administrators Certification Council will host a virtual Body of Knowledge Review session for the upcoming CRA Exam. This eight-hour class will be divided into two sessions, taking place on Thursday and Friday, October 17–18, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CST. You can sign up HERE.
Body of Knowledge Review Sessions
- The purpose of the Body of Knowledge Review Sessions is to familiarize you with the outline of information upon which the certifications offered by the Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC) are based. Each Body of Knowledge Session (CRA®, CPRA®, and CFRA) is designed to assist you to identify areas of strengths and weakness so that you can learn where to focus your studies as you prepare to the exam.
- Sample questions are provided throughout each session. The goal of the sample questions is to give you an idea of the question format. However, it is important to note the sample questions are not questions on the actual exam. Rather, they are a combination of retired questions and questions that were not previously used on the exam.
- As you prepare for the exam, we encourage you to form study groups, read literature associated with the Body of Knowledge, and concentrate on the areas that the review session uncovered to be your weakest.
Wicked Good Chats: The Evolution of Working with Tribal Nations, a perspective from the University of Maine
Date & Time: Tuesday, October 15th from 12-1
Title: Wicked Good Chats: The Evolution of Working with Tribal Nations, a Perspective from the University of Maine
Gretchen Faulkner, Director of the Hudson Museum, University of Maine
Professor Darren Ranco, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Coordinator of Native American Research, University of Maine
Please join Darren and Gretchen as they lead us through a Wicked Good Chat about the evolution of working with Indigenous tribal nations. Gretchen and Darren will talk about some of their work with tribal nations and how changes in the federal government that include NSF policy changes and presidential executive orders are changing the landscape around engagement and research opportunities with tribal nations. Specific stories of thoughtful and successful engagement will be shared. The audience will have a chance to engage Gretchen and Darren in discussion about working with tribal nations and the impact of recent administrative policy changes at the federal level.
Who should attend: All are welcome to join in this important dialogue about engagement with indigenous tribal nations. The session does not have any prerequisites for knowledge and while not everyone will work with indigenous tribes in their career, the session provides valuable insights about communication, building community and coming together to overcome barriers to understanding each other that are broadly applicable to our work and personal lives.
Link to Register: this is a virtual and free event, please sign up here: https://northeastern.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsdOCsqD0iEtPFs8wK1RD6i7IEkBnyZJph
Wicked Good Chats: Implementing the Common Forms for Biosketch and Current & Pending
Wicked Good Chats: Implementing the Common Forms for Biosketch and Current & Pending
Date and Time: September 25, 2024 from 12-1 PM EST
Presenters: Tom Dillon, Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs, Boston College and Sharon Moitoso, Assistant Director, Pre-Award Services, Brown University
Description: Join Tom and Sharon for a discussion about the implementation of the new common forms. Sharon and Tom will lead a discussion about how institutions are communicating with faculty and training research staff on the common forms, what is helpful about the implementation of more consistent disclosure forms and what still needs refinement. Tom and Sharon will also consider how colleges/departments, central offices and compliance units may need to coordinate to ensure consistent and complete disclosure.
Audience: anyone who works with proposals, the common forms, and outside activity (conflict of interest) disclosures.
Link to Register: https://northeastern.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlceisqDgvHdd0fwmJegE5OmDeF-HQ0SqN
Wicked Good Chats: Recap of NCURA AM 66
Join Lana Metayer, Region 1 Treasurer, Director of Sponsored Projects at UVM, and first time national meeting attendee to talk about the annual meeting. Lana will talk about her experience attending the annual meeting for the first time and contrast it with her experiences at the regional meeting. We will also thank our region 1 speakers.
Participants who were not at the meeting will be welcome to ask questions about attending an annual meeting or content that was delivered there.
Fellow attendees are welcome and encouraged to share insights about what they learned at the meeting.
This session is for everyone! No matter how long you have been in the profession, this session will help you get a sense of what happened at the annual meeting in both content and personal experience.
Link here: https://lnkd.in/eAp6hPUA
Wicked Good Chats - Data Sharing and DUAs
TIME: June 10th from 12-1 PM EST
DESCRIPTION: Join Melissa Maher, Associate Director of Grants & Contracts at HMS for a lively discussion about data sharing and DUAs. Melissa will provide a broad overview of some of the key debates in working with data sharing and DUAs. Melissa will also provide examples for discussion.
While those with some experience with data sharing and DUAs will likely be most likely to speak up, everyone is welcome to attend this session, ask questions and grow.
REGISTER: https://northeastern.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUvde2gpzsoGNGwzMVG1E5UheJtuJ2djhC2
Wicked Good Chats - Upcoming Changes to Uniform Guidance
Wicked Good Chats - Upcoming Changes to Uniform Guidance
DATE/TIME: 5/20 12-1 PM EST
DESCRIPTION: Join Michael and Louise for a wicked good chat about the forthcoming changes to UG. Louise and Michael will provide a brief overview of the changes and how they will be implemented and then we will chat about what changes we are excited about and which will pose more challenges.
This chat is suitable for everyone in research administration! You don’t have to be a policy wonk to join us and learn about how these changes might impact your daily work.
Speakers: Louise Griffin, Associate Vice President and Chief Research Administration Officer, University of New Hampshire & Michael Marino, Associate Director, Research Administration, Northeastern University
REGISTER: https://northeastern.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtdemoqDsiH9Ji47ETO2eulKjDPYPXuWW6

Region I Spring Meeting
More info to come! Check the 2024 Spring Meeting page for more details.

Region I Spring Meeting (Workshop Day)
More info to come! Check the 2024 Spring Meeting page for details.

RADG: Audit perspectives from the NSF OIG and our community
When: April 4th, 2024 1-3 PM EST
Location: Hybrid (either via Zoom or at Northeastern University)
Grace Bricker, Program Specialist, Contract Grant Audits, National Science Foundation Office of Inspector General
Sarah Adams, Program Specialist, Contract Grant Audits, National Science Foundation Office of Inspector General
Ken Lish, Director, Contract Grant Audits, National Science Foundation Office of Inspector General
Nuala McGowan, Senior Director of Research Finance & Compliance, Harvard University
Elizabeth Rybczynski, Senior Managing Auditor, Risk Management & Audit Services, Harvard University
Robert Prentiss, Sr. Financial Analyst, Yale University
Please join us for a two-part workshop. From 1-2:15 PM, we will be joined by the NSF OIG as they share:
Who they are and what they do;
The audit process;
Common issues identified during audits of NSF award recipients;
Using data to identify potential non-compliance;
Case studies related to audit findings at NSF award recipients;
An update on the NSF subrecipient monitoring audits;
Ongoing work related to subrecipient monitoring and harassment terms/conditions; and
Whistleblower protections.
Learning Objectives:
• Participants will have a better understanding of the role of the OIG
• Participants will have a better understanding of the work the OIG conducts
• Participants will have a better understanding of how the OIG conducts its work
• Participants will have a better understanding of whistleblower protections
From 2:15-3 PM we will say goodbye to our esteemed colleagues and have a discussion focused on understanding the audit experience at our own institutions, including subrecipient monitoring audits.
After 3 PM, for those who have joined us in person, there will be the opportunity to go to a local venue for networking and refreshments (refreshments at individuals’ expense).
Cost: $0
Audience: Everyone!
This is a great session for all levels. It is most useful for Research finance team members, but all aspects of pre-award, award management, post-award and compliance will find they have a role to play in the audit process.
In person registration: Email a.humphrey@northeastern.edu if you want to attend in person. Space for in-person attendance is limited.

RADG: Hot Topics in Research Administration
Our session is designed to provide participants with high-level updates and insights into the following subjects:
*UG changes and focus on how those could impact business operations (specifically fixed amount subawards)
*NIH foreign subrecipient policy and data sharing requirements
*Changes to the misconduct guidelines
*AI and research administration
* Updates on research security
*How staffing impacts our ability to navigate these new and changing regulations
Objectives: This interactive session is designed to provide participants with some considerations of:
* the current state of new research regulations and administrative updates
* discussion of the impact on evolving state of research administration on staffing and hiring
* an understanding of the interplay between changes in the field and staffing
Region I Wicked Good Chats
Discussion Topic: Organizational Design and Belonging
Facilitator: Amanda Humphrey, Chief Research Operations Officer, Northeastern University
Organizational design impacts the way we work and shapes our interactions with our colleagues. This session will provide a brief overview of some key organizational design principles. The presenter will then open the floor for discussion about how organizational design can impact our individual sense of self, our sense of belonging and other important factors that can impact employee engagement. The session will be about 20 minutes of presentation and 40 minutes of discussion.
Please register by clicking HERE!